We are delighted to introduce our guest blogger Swami Saradananda:
Chakras: Preliminary Work
Chakras are major
centres of radiant power within the body; the seven of them represent energetic
intersections between
physical matter and consciousness. Each person’s chakras are antenna that
constantly receive and transmit energy.
How smoothly a person’s chakras function determines how fully the body
is inhabited, how successful relationships are and how much inner peace can be
As, working with chakras can help restore and
enhance energy flow, I suggest that people should begin with the
following introductory meditation.
When a person meditates on their chakras,
they go beyond ordinary limits imposed by time and space. Chakra meditations are simple, yet powerful
techniques for helping to develop inner poise and keep life in balance. They
work best when they are reinforced with regular yoga practice, self analysis
and positive activities throughout the day.
Experiencing your Chakras
Sit in a comfortable meditation position.
Close your eyes; breathe gently through your nose. Visualise your breath as a
stream of bright white light, moving down the front of your body as you inhale
– and up your back as you exhale.
As your breath flows through your body,
notice how you experience the various energetic points (chakras) at the base of
your body; your sacral region; solar plexus; heart; throat; forehead; top of
Some points are stronger, more easily
experienced in front – and others seem more dominant along the back of your
body. Certain chakras, you may not feel at all, or may feel very weakly. It is probably the chakras that are the
weakest that you should work with first.

Starting in October, Swami Saradananda will be teaching “Journey through the Chakras” at the Evolve Wellness Centre in
South Kensington. For more information on these workshops please visit: www.evolvewellnesscentre.com/eventsworkshopsjourney-through-the-chakras
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